Chris san sebastian - hear me out Please play San Sebastian - Hear Me Out - He's such a talent! An Admirer Jody Lynn - Running Claire, I Still Miss You.



Ah, the delightful world of radio dedications and requests! Let’s break it down:


Dedications are like the love letters of radio. They’re premeditated and planned in advance. You sit down, pen your heartfelt message, and send it to us using the form below, don’t forget to include the date & time you want us to broadcast your track, and we’ll do our best, if we can’t play it at your requested time we’ll let you know & why. 

Dedications often include personal messages—warm wishes, declarations of love, or shout-outs to friends and family. These messages are read out by the radio host, and sometimes they even display them on their website.

**Musical Accompaniment**
Alongside your sweet words, you get to choose a track—a song that resonates with your feelings or memories. The radio host plays this song as part of the dedication.

**Feel-Good Factor**
Dedications create warm fuzzies. Imagine hearing your name on the airwaves, followed by that special song. It’s like a musical hug for your soul.


Requests are the impulsive side of radio. You’re grooving to a show, and suddenly you think, “Hey, play that funky tune!” No planning required.

**When to Make Them** Requests can be made during specific shows. If you’re tuned in to a particular DJ’s set, you can shoot off your request right then and there.

**Playlist Power** Once you request a song, it’s like casting a magical spell. The radio gods (or the playlist manager) instantly add it to the queue. No waiting around—it’s part of the musical flow.

**No Messages**
Alas, requests don’t come with personal messages. You won’t hear, “This one’s for Sarah from her secret admirer.” Nope, it’s all about the music.

So, in summary:

**Dedications** Thoughtful messages + chosen song, planned in advance.

– **Requests**: Spontaneous song picks, no messages, and instant playlist inclusion.

Whether you’re dedicating a love ballad to your sweetheart or requesting an epic guitar solo, radio magic awaits! 🎶✨

Use the form below for a dedication, want to request a track instead visit the requests page.

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